TIPI. Storie dal distretto
Workplaces and human capital have been the two characters that allowed the growth of the Prato textile district and the development over the decades of an inestimable historical, architectural and industrial
heritage. The specificity of both these aspects are linked together by an ideal scheme, made up of environments and people that share common aspects. TIPI deconstructs this relationship into its basic components and through a continuous change of perspective tries to offer new attention to a familiar and deeply felt theme for the local community.
The images here shown come from 8 realities of the area, quite heterogeneous one from another: companies in regular and complete activity are flanked by spaces that used to be workplaces in the recent past and that today are part of a process of reconversion and regeneration.
The images here shown come from 8 realities of the area, quite heterogeneous one from another: companies in regular and complete activity are flanked by spaces that used to be workplaces in the recent past and that today are part of a process of reconversion and regeneration.
TIPI is a commissioned project, funded by the Municipality of Prato - Department of Tourism and promoted by the Textile Museum Foundation and by CDSE -
Centro di Documentazione Storico Etnografica.

Filippo Bardazzi ©2024