A trip through landscape and photography
A SooS Chronicles collective project.
All pictures and text by Filippo Bardazzi and Laura Chiaroni.
Check out the whole feature ︎ here
All pictures and text by Filippo Bardazzi and Laura Chiaroni.
Check out the whole feature ︎ here
The term “trope” comes from the Greek word τρόπος (trópos).
A trópos is a recurring element.
A trópos is a motif in narrative. Yes, also in visual narrative.
A trópos is a cliché.
Everything can become a trópos, but each of them is not present as itself. It is there to direct to something else. A trópos keeps changing: that's what makes it always the same.
Tropographics is definitely not a series of beautiful pictures found by chance on the web.
A trópos is a recurring element.
A trópos is a motif in narrative. Yes, also in visual narrative.
A trópos is a cliché.
Everything can become a trópos, but each of them is not present as itself. It is there to direct to something else. A trópos keeps changing: that's what makes it always the same.
Tropographics is definitely not a series of beautiful pictures found by chance on the web.
And it isn't either a collection of random weird scenes. This is instead our trip through landscape and photography, in search of tropes around the world. We created a special online archive to show the whole research. The website will be constantly updated and expanded with new categories.
All images have been taken using Google Street View.
All images have been taken using Google Street View.
Filippo Bardazzi ©2024